18 Nov Training – Part 2
A silent distance from what most people call reality might be encountered during a hike or a run, and is worth every second of it. Harsh weather or a steep mountain is just an illusion to allow you to enjoy the more pleasant times.
The long days at school make us realize the true pleasure of the nature. It is always there with an open door for everyone to enter. From time to time it is brutal and can rage like no living creature can, but if treated right there is always a way to take part of the violence, to enjoy yourself in the beautiful portraits you might, too often, find yourself enjoying on your pad, phone or computer instead of a hands- on experience.
The last few weeks, the training has consisted of a lot of running for both of us. Two hour, three hour, four hour runs both on the road and in the mountains, mostly every day. Bjørn has been using the swimming pool five days a week as well, while I (Tor) have been struggling with a bad ear. More running for me!
The photos are from Reime, near Voss, this weekend.
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